Convert voicemail to text and receive it directly in your email. Simplify your communication today!
Learn More About Our Voicemail Transcription Service Sign Up Now PricingAccess all your voicemails directly from your email inbox. No more dial-ins.
Read your voicemails at a glance without playing audio files.
Advanced transcription technology ensures your messages are clear and accurate.
Easily archive and search your transcribed voicemails for quick access to important details.
By adjusting just one SMTP-related setting on your phone system, you can seamlessly integrate Speech2Mail without further configuration.
Speech2Mail is compatible with any phone system capable of delivering voicemails with an audio attachment via email.
Configure your phone system to automatically forward voicemails to our server for seamless processing.
Our server transcribes voicemails with high accuracy and delivers the transcription directly to your inbox.
Receive the email and quickly read your transcribed voicemail.
Check your voicemails on any device, from anywhere, without relying on a phone.
Review your messages discreetly without playing audio aloud in public spaces.
Forward transcribed messages to team members for seamless communication.
Keep a searchable, organized log of important communications.
Eliminate the need for printed notes or paper logs, contributing to a greener workplace.
Provide an inclusive option for team members with hearing impairments.
Quickly scan through transcriptions to prioritize urgent messages over less critical ones.
Reduce exposure to eavesdropping by sharing text-based transcriptions instead of audio files.
Fully supported for voicemail-to-email transcription. No additional hardware required.
Streamline your communication with seamless compatibility for voicemail forwarding.
Enjoy enhanced voicemail management through email integration with Mitel systems.
Speech2Mail supports all PBX systems capable of sending voicemails as email attachments via SMTP.